Norovirus - iClean

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Journal of Food Protection 78.6 (2015): 1147 - 1153

Comparative study on the efficacy of bacteriophages, sanitizers, and UV light treatments to control Listeria monocytogenes on sliced mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus)
Microbe(s): MNV-1, Norovirus, HAV, Hepatitis A


The ability of acidic electrolyzed oxidizing water (AEO) and neutral electrolyzed oxidizing water (NEO) to inactivate the murine norovirus (MNV-1) surrogate for human norovirus and hepatitis A virus (HAV) in suspension and on stainless steel coupons in the presence of organic matter was investigated. Viruses containing tryptone (0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0) were mixed with AEO and NEO for 1 min. In addition, stainless steel coupons containing MNV-1 with or without organic matter were tr...

Applied and environmental microbiology 73.14 (2007): 4463-4468

Evaluation of liquid-and fog-based application of Sterilox hypochlorous acid solution for surface inactivation of human norovirus

Microbe(s): Viruses, Norovirus

Noroviruses (NVs) are the most frequent cause of outbreaks of gastroenteritis in common settings, with surface-mediated transfer via contact with fecally contaminated surfaces implicated in exposure. NVs are environmentally stable and persistent and have a low infectious dose. Several disinfectants have been evaluated for efficacy to control viruses on surfaces, but the toxicity and potential damage to treated materials limits their applicability. Sterilox hypochlorous acid (HOCl) solution (HAS)...

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